research zine
research zine
a zine compiled of research on how blaxploitation in the 1970s was able to disrupt the filmmaking industry and leave a legacy for black women and queer communities to grapple with the socio-political state of the world.
features 10 pages of a script of an animated series called “acrylic”.
2 handmade copies aquired by barnard, columbia’s women’s college. (2025)
features 10 pages of a script of an animated series called “acrylic”.
2 handmade copies aquired by barnard, columbia’s women’s college. (2025)
© 2022 Basic Meditation, LLC
Unifying the minor currents which seem divergent but which secretly yearned for convergence, your divided realm will find itself in unity, in a splendor of such unity that if someone had foretold it you would have declared it absurd, impossible, inhuman. Yet it happened, there it is. (Henri Michaux)